StubHub is the world's top destination for ticket buyers and resellers. Prices may be higher or lower than face value.


Take a few moments to read through the User Agreement, User Privacy Notice, Seller Policies, Payment Services Agreement for Sellers, Cookie Notice, and FanProtect® Guarantee to make sure you understand all the changes and how they affect you. Other than that, there's nothing else you need to do. Your continued use of our Site and Services will constitute acceptance of the revised agreements, notices and policies

Update log

April 24, 2024 We’ve updated the Privacy Notice, Cookie Notice, and Payment Services Agreement for Sellers. Additionally, we've integrated the content of the Mobile Privacy Notice into the main Privacy Notice
November 27, 2023 We’ve updated the User Agreement, Seller Policies and FanProtect® Guarantee.
March 25, 2020 We’ve updated the User Agreement, User Privacy Notice, Mobile Privacy Notice, Seller Policies and FanProtect® Guarantee.
October 1, 2018 We’ve updated the User Agreement and the User Privacy Notice.
July 1, 2015 The updated User Agreement and User Privacy Notice will take effect for new users.
June 16, 2015 The previous amendment to the User Agreement was effective for all users.
June 16, 2015 The User Privacy Notice is effective for existing users. The previous amendment to the User Privacy Notice became effective for all users on March 21, 2013.
June 16, 2015 The updated User Agreement is effective for existing users.
June 1, 2015 We've updated the User Agreement and the User Privacy Notice.

Key changes to the User Agreement include:

April 24, 2024

  • User Agreement - hereafter, regardless of your location worldwide, when you purchase or sell tickets on our platform, you are contracting with Ticketbis S.L.
  • General Provisions - it is hereby noted that StubHub International has obtained registration for Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

November 27, 2023

  • User Agreement - we changed the User Agreement to remove references to StubHub, so all references of StubHub (UK) Limited and Ticketbis S.L. are referred as "StubHub International", with the exception of references pertaining to operations in the United Kingdom.
  • Your Account - we changed Section 4.5 to include a request for additional identifying documentation to address potential suspicious behavior.
  • Fees and Other Charges - we changed Section 6 to reflect that StubHub International may impose a Debt Maintenance Commission on users with outstanding balances who fail to provide necessary banking information.
  • Buying Tickets - we changed Section 9 to provide a comprehensive explanation of how pricing errors are addressed, the company's discretion in changing delivery methods, and the consequences of chargebacks without valid reasons. Additionally, we have taken measures to enhance transparency by explicitly stating that once an order is placed, sales are considered final, and no 'buyer's remorse' refunds will be entertained.
  • Protecting Intellectual Property Rights - we changed Section 17 to explain how users may submit a Notice of Claimed Infringement to SHI.
  • Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction - we changed Section 20 to reflect updates in the applicable jurisdiction.

March 25, 2020

  • User Agreement - we changed the User Agreement to remove references to eBay Inc. and to members of the eBay corporate family.
  • User Agreement - we changed Section 1 to reflect the immediate effect of revised agreements, notices and policies upon publication.
  • Contracting Entity - we changed Section 2 to update the address of the relevant StubHub contracting entities.
  • Buying Tickets - we changed Section 9 to clarify that StubHub will provide refunds or credits if an event is cancelled and not rescheduled.
  • Event Cancellations, Postponement and Other Event Changes - we changed Section 11 to clarify that StubHub will provide refunds or credits if an event is cancelled and not rescheduled.
  • Arbitration Procedures - we changed Section 22 to update the recipient name and address for sending a Notice of Dispute.
  • Opt-Out Procedure - we changed Section 22 to update the recipient name and address for sending an Opt-Out Notice.
  • Force Majeure - we added Section 26 to implement a force majeure provision.
  • Notice of Infringement - we changed Appendix 1 to update the recipient name, address and phone number for StubHub's designated agent.

October 1, 2018

  • Global User Agreement - we now have a single user agreement that is applicable to all customers no matter where they are be located; this means it will be easier to list, sell and buy tickets from your preferred international StubHub website no matter which country the event is located in. The Global User Agreement replaces all other user agreements that previously were only applicable to customers based on their choice of which international StubHub website to use.
  • Contracting Entity - we changed Section 2 to notify users that, effective October 1, 2018, those who buy or sell tickets to an event located in Canada are contracting with StubHub Canada Ltd.
  • Contracting Entity - we changed Section 2 to reflect the fact that a customer’s contracting entity may vary according to the location of the event for which they’re purchasing or selling a ticket.
  • International Transactions - we added Section 12 to describe the rules that apply to sellers and buyers of tickets for international events. An international event is an event that takes place in a location that’s different to the location of the international StubHub website where the ticket is listed for sale.
  • Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction - we changed Section 21 to show the choice of law and jurisdiction for non-U.S. residents.
  • Legal Disputes – we changed Section 22 to reflect changes to the arbitration procedures.
  • Country-specific Additional Provisions - we added Section 24 to show a list of additional country-specific provisions that apply to customers based on their country of residency.

Key changes to the User Privacy Notice include:

April 24, 2024

  • User Privacy Notice - we have updated the wording of the Privacy Notice to provide clear explanations and improve user comprehension in compliance with GDPR legislation. This includes detailing who processes your personal data, the purposes for which we process it, the types of personal data we collect, why we use it, how we obtain it, your rights regarding your personal information, who we share it with, and how long we retain it.
  • User Privacy Notice - we have introduced a new email address for contacting StubHub International regarding privacy matters.
  • User Privacy Notice - we have consolidated the content of the Mobile Privacy Notice into the main Privacy Notice.

March 25, 2020

  • User Privacy Notice - we changed the User Privacy Notice to remove any reference to global privacy standards.
  • User Privacy Notice - we changed the User Privacy Notice to remove references to eBay Inc. and to members of the eBay corporate family.
  • User Privacy Notice - we changed the Contact Us section to update the name and address of the Global Privacy Office.

October 1, 2018

  • Global User Privacy Notice - we now have a single User Privacy Notice that is applicable to all customers no matter where they are be located.
  • Data Controller for Canadian residents – we changed the data controller for Canadian residents to StubHub Canada Ltd.
  • Data Controllers - we changed the "Scope and Content" section to show a revised list of data controllers.
  • Social Sharing - we changed the "Choice" section to show additional social sharing options.

Key changes to the Seller Policies include:

April 24, 2024

  • Seller Policies - we have updated the language to align with IRS regulations, indicating that sellers may be required to provide a Tax ID Number for tax reporting purposes.

November 27, 2023

  • Seller Policies - we changed the Seller Policies to remove references to “StubHub”, so all references of StubHub (UK) Limited and Ticketbis S.L. are referred as "StubHub International", with the exception of references pertaining to operations in the United Kingdom.
  • Select the right delivery method for your ticket type - we changed Section 2.2. to clarify that StubHub International displays available delivery methods during the event listing, which may vary for each event and change over time. For 'hard' tickets, choose a shipping option; electronic delivery is not applicable. Attempting to convert 'hard' tickets into PDFs or similar formats may lead to order cancellation.
  • Deliver your tickets on time and as promised - we changed Section 3.2 to clarify that Tickets must be sent to the buyer a minimum of one (1) week before the event, but if event tickets are not issued by the organizer or promoter by the given deadline, sellers must follow StubHub International Customer Service's delivery deadline to ensure timely receipt by the buyer.
  • Consequences for Dropped Sales, Incorrect and Invalid Tickets - we changed Section 3.3 to provide clarification regarding the possible failure scenarios for ticketed events: dropped sales, delivering incorrect tickets, and selling invalid tickets. Furthermore, we've updated the 'Fees and Charges' section to outline the consequences if there's a failure in delivering tickets accurately on StubHub. In such cases, fees may be applicable, and the amount is determined by the event location and if a replacement ticket is required.

March 25, 2020

  • Dropped Sales - we changed Section 3.3 to show the increased administrative fee for dropped sales for events located in the United States or Canada.
  • Invalid Ticket Charge - we changed Section 3.3 to show the increased administrative fee for tickets are reported by the buyer as not valid for entry.
  • Administrative Fee - we changed Section 3.3 to show the decreased administrative fee for failing to resolve or assist in the resolution of dropped sales or invalid tickets.

June 1, 2015

  • Global Seller Policies - we now have a single set of Seller Policies that is applicable to all sellers no matter where they are be located.
  • Dropped Sales - we changed Section 3.3 to show the increased administrative fee for dropped sales for events located in Germany. This ensures this policy is harmonised across Europe.
  • Getting Paid for Your Ticket Sale - we changed Section 5.1 to clarify payment timings for events located in the U.S. and Canada. This is to recognise that certain events or certain situations may require payment to be made 5 to 8 days after the event takes place.

Key changes to the Payment Services Agreement for Sellers include:

April 24, 2024

  • Payment Services Agreement - we have revised the document to reflect the updated Terms and Conditions of Hyperwallet.

Key changes to the Cookie Notice include

April 24, 2024

  • Cookie Notice - we have revised the language of the Cookie Notice to provide clear explanations and enhance user comprehension in compliance with GDPR legislation. This includes detailed information of the types of cookies we utilize, the purposes behind using cookies on our platform, the methods by which third parties employ cookies for advertising, and guidance on modifying and uninstalling cookies.

Key changes to the Mobile Privacy Notice include:

April 24, 2024

  • Mobile Privacy Notice - we removed this section and made its contents available in the main Privacy Notice.

March 25, 2020

  • Mobile Privacy Notice - we changed the Mobile Privacy Notice to remove any reference to global privacy standards.

Key changes to the FanProtect® Guarantee include:

November 27, 2023

  • FanProtect® Guarantee - we changed the FanProtect® Guarantee to remove references to “StubHub”, so all references of StubHub (UK) Limited and Ticketbis S.L. are referred as "StubHub International", with the exception of references pertaining to operations in the United Kingdom.
  • Getting Valid Tickets - we changed Getting Valid Tickets’ Section to clarify the company's discretion in changing delivery methods.
  • Other Terms - we changed the 'Other Terms' section to provide clarity on situations where the FanProtect® Guarantee does not apply.
  • If You Have Not Received Payment for a Ticket Sale - we have updated this section to provide a clearer understanding of the specific terms when the user have chosen to receive payment via PayPal.
  • Abuse of the FanProtect® Guarantee - we have updated this section to introduce a safeguard, protecting StubHub International from the risk of false claims.

March 25, 2020

  • FanProtect® Guarantee - we changed the FanProtect® Guarantee to clarify that StubHub will provide refunds or credits if an event is cancelled and not rescheduled.